November 27, 2013 / ELRA Secretariat
The ELRA Board announces the launch of the IMOLA Project
The Board of the European Land Registry Association (ELRA) is pleased to announce the launch of a new project.
The project, which is called IMOLA (Interoperability Model for Land Registers), has received the backing of the European Commission through its European Justice Programme.
Over the next 2 years the IMOLA project will,
– Establish a standard means of access to land registry information;
– Create a standard template for the presentation of land registry information; and
– Provide support and training to Land Registrars and others
The IMOLA Project will need to overcome the challenges presented by the varied land registration laws and practices found across Europe.
The objective of Project is to increase the accessibility and transparency of land registry information and to facilitate the registration of cross-border documents. In achieving this objective, ELRA will work closely with other associations and networks working in this area.