1st Seminar Madrid (Spain), April 2014
Work stream 1: Land Registry Output and Training
- Real Estate Valuation Project in Spain
- Introduction EU Standard Template
- Interoperable Model Land Registry Information
Work stream 2: IT working group
- Technical Challenges
- e-CODEX: -e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange
- A common denominator?
- Experiences and lessons learned during the LINE project
2nd Seminar Athens (Greece), October 2014
Work stream 1: Land Registry Output and Training
- Methodology Schedule, the nature of the template
- Structure of Template
- The connecting factor of the Template
- Template Model, Part A-Connecting Factor
Work stream 2: IT working group
3rd Seminar Vienna (Austria), March 2015
Work stream 1: Land Registry Output and Training
- Report on conclusions Section A) IMOLA Template
- Conclusions on Semantics Section A) and perspective
- Report on conclusions of Part B) of the IMOLA Template
- Conclusions on Semantics of Part B) of the IMOLA Template
- Semantics Section B Proprietorship
- Overview about burdens in the different legal systems around EU
- Semantics Section C) Real rights, encumbrances of IMOLA Template
4th Seminar Cracow (Poland), October 2015
Work stream 1: Land Registry Output and Training
- Conclusions of the Questionnaires Section C
- Semantics Section C
- Core Registry Vocabulary, Glossary and Thesaurus
- The concept of title: title to land
- Template in deed systems – Belgium system
- Template in deed systems – Italian system
- Section C : Rules and Definitions
Work stream 2: IT working group