Relationship between LR and Cadastral
Are Land Registry and Cadastre different institutions?
The LR and Cadastre in Sweden is same the institution, but different departments of Lantmäteriet, the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration authority. In Sweden the land registration and cadastre has been done in different kinds of books since the eighteenth century. The reform of computerising the LR was implemented in the 1970’s and completed in 1995. Today all registration takes place in the same register.
The general purpose of the LR is to give publicity and legal protection for purchases, mortgages and other legal actions and to establish certainty of ownership and rights to land. In Sweden the contents of the LR is guaranteed by the state. The register is public and most of its contents are accessible via the internet and consists of five parts.
The general part of the LR corresponds well to the international meaning of the term cadastre. It is the official register of the country’s division into property units, containing information about all properties’ designation, acreage, location by coordinates representing the centre of each parcel, accomplished property formations and definitions by reference to file numbers.
Local plans and other regulations for land use are also referred to. This part of the LR holds information of both existing and former units. The cadastral map is an index map of all current properties, showing their unique designations and approximate boundaries.
The land registration part of the LR is mainly focusing on real property ownership and other kinds of rights created outside cadastral matters, and includes of the legal records of title, site leasehold grant, site leasehold right, encumbrances such as mortgages and rights of use, official notifications and history.
This part of the LR forms the legal evidence of ownership and other rights. The titles are thus registered and thereby secured against the third party and thereby plays an important role in subsequent land transactions and mortgaging matters.
The adresses part consists of site addresses, but some rural units still lack this characteristic. The postal address of the property owner in question might be the same address, but this is not always the case. Site addresses are updated by municipal bodies.
The building part of LR contains information about buildings for housing and commercial purposes. Garages other complementary structures are not included. Every building has a unique identity and can be located geographically through its centre coordinates.
The property tax part of the LR contains the tax assessment value for the land and another for the buildings. The tax assessment value and the person liable for property tax are shown in the register. Some properties owned by the State or Municipalities, for example schools, are not rated at all.