Notice of a judicial dispute pending on the land or property
1. Does your national system admit such restriction?
This land register system envisages this kind of notice or includes the possibility of registering a notice as such
2. In your system, once registered this restriction, does it block or freeze subsequent registrations (mostly the ones promoted by the owner of the property) until being removed?
Once registered this restriction, it implies a warning to third parties and blocks or freezes subsequent registrations.
3. In your system, in principle, will the registration of this restriction be temporary (under a deadline) or indefinitely (it will be in force until being removed)?
In this system the duration of the registration of this restriction will be indefinite (until removed or deleted).
But the registered notice has to be removed or replaced with other information once the dispute is settled.
4. Indicate the national legal sources about this judicial restriction
Registration of the notice of certain legal disputes, in the land register, is regulated in chapter 19 paragraph 29 p. 3-5 of the Swedish land code
5. Please, give us an idea about the characteristics of the registration of this restriction in your system
A notice about a legal dispute blocks new applications about registration regarding that property, from being granted. Please note that only some legal disputes are registered as a notice. An application about registration of ownership or site lease hold, mortgage or easement/usufruct will in such a case be declared dormant until the legal dispute is settled.