Stakeholders in property registration
1. Who are the main users of property information?
– Professional users
– Licensed conveyancers
– Banks/financial institutions
– Personal applicants
– Customers seeking to establish property information
2. How is land registry information stored? Is it in electronic or paper format?
Land Register information is stored electronically.
3. How is that information obtained?
The information is submitted as part of an application for registration and scanned in order that it may form part of the Archive Record.
4. Is the register open to the public?
5. If not, in what circumstances is access to title information granted?
Not applicable, see answer 4.
6. Is there a fee for the information?
Yes. A list of current fees is provided on the RoS website (here).
7. What information is provided on the register?
The Land Register title sheet contains:
– A description of the property
– Details of the proprietor
– Details of any security over the property
– Details of any real rights, real burdens or other title conditions
– If relevant, information relating to inhibitions or sequestration (diligence) and exclusions or limitations of warranty
8. If more information is available “off register” in what circumstances can it be accessed?
People may apply to RoS for an extract of a title sheet (or any part thereof), any part of the cadastral map, or any document (or part thereof) held in the archive record. Extensive information is also available under the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
9. Is any information provided free of charge?
Yes. Online house price searches and online searches of the Crofting Register, Register of Community Interests in Land, and the Register of Sites of Special Scientific Interest are all free.
10. Is it available online?
11. How is payment made?
For registration applications, the fee must be submitted with the application. Payment can be made by direct debit, cheque or cash. All other services are invoiced and can be paid for by credit or debit card, cheque or direct debit.
12. How long does it take to receive property information?
Depending on the service requested and the information provided information can be obtained anywhere from immediately via online searches up to five working days for certain types of copy deed.
13. If a paper/certified copy of title information is required, how long does it take to issue?
The time taken will depend on the information provided and required.
14. Is the information linked to a map?
A copy title sheet will include a copy of the relevant cadastral map.
15. How is the map accessed at the same time as the request for title information?
The cadastral map can be accessed using the pdf document.
16. What other services are provided by your organisation (for example, project management for registration of state owned property/local councils, other departments, users of public sector information, external training and professional development) if any?
Registers of Scotland is responsible for a number of other Registers, including the Chancery and Judicial Registers, the Crofting Register and the Register of Community Interests in Land, and also provides international consultancy services on land registration, quarterly property statistics, and online house price and volume statistics.
17. What other uses are being made, if any, of information held on the register?
Registers of Scotland produce a number of reports on both a monthly and quarterly basis and can also produce bespoke reports on request. The information held by Registers of Scotland is available to everyone without restriction on how it is used.