Relationship between LR and Cadastral
Are Land Registry and Cadastre different institutions?
No, the Dutch Kadaster is a merged organisation.
The information contains the essential cadastral information from the deed (not the fiscal information), as well as graphical representation of the plots
Besides, unregistered titles can not be opposed to the ones registered: Negative effect of the registration.
Normally only the cadastral identification number is mentioned. Connecting information about coordinates to a deed of transfer is possible, but is only done in exceptional cases.
The drawing up of the plan or mapping is carried out by the technicians from the Registry, boundaries are shown to them by the parties involved.
All parcels are registerd. So it is only required when modifying the parcels.
The formal and substantive validity of the documents is scrutinezed by the Registrar. When new parcels are created there will be a check that the boundaries that are shown to the surveyor (publized in the surveyor’s report) match the description in the deed.
Some charges are publicized, only if they are related directly to the parcel e.g. charges regarding land development projects that are completed.
Some public, environmental and urban restrictions are recorded in the Land Register. The restrictions of the municipalities are not recorded at the Land Register, but they are connected with the online information of the Land Register.
On line information is available for everyone, no specific interest is needed.
A cadastral map of the property with a global presentation of the boundaries can be requested. Also the surveyor’s report whit the exact measures regarding the boundaries can be requested.
The Registry is not responsible for the veracity of the information in the deeds. The Registry is responsible however for the correct application of the deeds in the cadastral registration
The publicity of property rights and other charges / encumbrances in private law have third party effect. The restrictions of the public domain have not.
The neighbouring owners show the new boundaries to the surveyor of the Land Registry office.