Land Registries & Cadastres

In your country, the Land Registry and the Cadaster are they different institutions?

No. In Lithuania, there is one institution for the Land Registry and Cadastre, i.e. State Enterprise Centre of Registers.

a) Which are the main duties of the sole organization?

The main duties of the State Enterprise Centre of Registers are as follows:

– With reference to administration of the Real Property Register, the Centre of Registers shall:

1. register immovable things, real rights thereto, and legal facts;
2. provide the Real Property Register data and cartographic data (geo-data);
3. design, implement, develop and administer information systems of the Real Property Register and central databank thereof;
4. establish the structure of the Real Property Register, the procedure for formation and recording of entries;
5. establish the structure of cadastral data of the Real Property Register and the map content;
6. prepare and publish statistical data of the Real Property Register;
7. revise the Real Property Register data pursuant to the procedure prescribed for by legal acts;
8. collect and store the Real Property Register data and the document archive, be liable for security thereof, provide users with extracts of archive data and copies of documents, and be liable for correctness of the provided data;
9. in cases provided for by legal acts work out standards, methodologies, instructions relating to real property registration and other documents regulating registration of real property;

– With reference to administration of the Real Property Cadastre (hereinafter referred to as the Real Property Cadastre), the Centre of Registers shall:

1. perform cadastral surveys of immovable things;
2. organise and conduct real property market research;

In your country, the Land Registry and the Cadaster are they different institutions?

No. In Lithuania, there is one institution for the Land Registry and Cadastre, i.e. State Enterprise Centre of Registers.

a) Which are the main duties of the sole organization?

The main duties of the State Enterprise Centre of Registers are as follows:

– With reference to administration of the Real Property Register, the Centre of Registers shall:

1. register immovable things, real rights thereto, and legal facts;
2. provide the Real Property Register data and cartographic data (geo-data);
3. design, implement, develop and administer information systems of the Real Property Register and central databank thereof;
4. establish the structure of the Real Property Register, the procedure for formation and recording of entries;
5. establish the structure of cadastral data of the Real Property Register and the map content;
6. prepare and publish statistical data of the Real Property Register;
7. revise the Real Property Register data pursuant to the procedure prescribed for by legal acts;
8. collect and store the Real Property Register data and the document archive, be liable for security thereof, provide users with extracts of archive data and copies of documents, and be liable for correctness of the provided data;
9. in cases provided for by legal acts work out standards, methodologies, instructions relating to real property registration and other documents regulating registration of real property;

– With reference to administration of the Real Property Cadastre (hereinafter referred to as the Real Property Cadastre), the Centre of Registers shall:

1. perform cadastral surveys of immovable things;
2. organise and conduct real property market research;
3. pursuant to the procedure prescribed for by legal acts organise and perform valuation of real property (including valuation for taxation and other public needs), prepare data for taxation of real property;
4. provide data on Real Property Cadastre and market research, cadastral data and maps, other data;
5. design, implement, develop and administer the Real Property Cadastre information systems and central databank of such systems, collect and analyse real property market research data and other data related to the establishment of the real property value, be liable for security thereof;
6. establish the structure of the Real Property Cadastre and market research data;
7. establish the structure of the Real Property Cadastre and real property valuation data, and the content of maps;
8. compile and publish maps of the Real Property Cadastre and the real property valuation maps;
9. prepare and publish statistical data on Real Property Cadastre and real property valuation;
10. perform topographic works of various scale, take geodetic control photographs (layout pictures), pursuant to the established procedure;
11. perform examination and technical control of cadastral surveys, and make revision of the data on Real Property Cadastre and real property value, pursuant to the procedure prescribed for by legal acts;
12. store the data of the Real Property Cadastre and the document archive, be liable for security thereof, provide users with extracts of the archive data and copies of documents;
13. in cases provided for by legal acts, work out standards, methodologies, instructions and other documents relating to and regulating the Real Property Cadastre and real property valuation;
14. prepare projects on subdivision, merging and change of land parcels;
15. verify cadastral data files of the real property objects.

b) Which Ministry’s competence does it fall under?

Currently, the State Enterprise Centre of Registers falls under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania.

c) Is land registration and mapping organized as separate departments within the organization?

The Centre of Registers has the Real Property Cadastre and Register Department and GIS Department, which is responsible for cadastre mapping.

pursuant to the procedure prescribed for by legal acts organise and perform valuation of real property (including valuation for taxation and other public needs), prepare data for taxation of real property;
4. provide data on Real Property Cadastre and market research, cadastral data and maps, other data;
5. design, implement, develop and administer the Real Property Cadastre information systems and central databank of such systems, collect and analyse real property market research data and other data related to the establishment of the real property value, be liable for security thereof;
6. establish the structure of the Real Property Cadastre and market research data;
7. establish the structure of the Real Property Cadastre and real property valuation data, and the content of maps;
8. compile and publish maps of the Real Property Cadastre and the real property valuation maps;
9. prepare and publish statistical data on Real Property Cadastre and real property valuation;
10. perform topographic works of various scale, take geodetic control photographs (layout pictures), pursuant to the established procedure;
11. perform examination and technical control of cadastral surveys, and make revision of the data on Real Property Cadastre and real property value, pursuant to the procedure prescribed for by legal acts;
12. store the data of the Real Property Cadastre and the document archive, be liable for security thereof, provide users with extracts of the archive data and copies of documents;
13. in cases provided for by legal acts, work out standards, methodologies, instructions and other documents relating to and regulating the Real Property Cadastre and real property valuation;
14. prepare projects on subdivision, merging and change of land parcels;
15. verify cadastral data files of the real property objects.

b) Which Ministry’s competence does it fall under?

Currently, the State Enterprise Centre of Registers falls under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania.

c) Is land registration and mapping organized as separate departments within the organization?

The Centre of Registers has the Real Property Cadastre and Register Department and GIS Department, which is responsible for cadastre mapping.

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