The legal effect of the L.R. information
1. What is the probative value of the LR information sheet? Does the national law provide it with special legal nature, like a public document or authentic act? Are there different types of LR information with different degree of value?
The register has so called public credibility (state guarantee, see above) about the information but there is not any probative value about the property in the register
2. What is the degree of reliability of the information? Which are the effects given by the legal provisions in each country to this information, should it be necessary to carry out further investigations?
The information has a high degree of reliability. As in Sweden the natural or legal person who has title to the property is presumed to be the owner of the property. Legal protection is given to anyone (acquirer or mortgage lender) who in good faith has acquired or has giving a loan with mortgage as a security if the transferor or mortgage borrower had the title to the property on the time of entering of the contract. Still further investigations may be needed in the case that the property has been transferred after the title registration and the new owner has not yet applied for title. In some cases this may have some effects.
3. Are there any hidden liens?
All liens are entered into the LR
4. What effect does the issuing of the excerpt from the Land Register has over the land registry system?
In Finland the Land Register has legal effect. Our ancient Land Books are not very comprehensive an therefore they are not very liable.
5. Is an excerpt from the Land Register necessary and sufficient for the assignment of the property right of an immovable (regarding the information provided by the Land Registry?)
The excerpt from the Land Book is not needed and has no legal effect.
6. Does the excerpt from the Land Register issued especially for real estate transaction have different effects from the excerpt from the Land Register normally issued?
See answer on question 5
7. Does the excerpt from the Land Book issued especially for real estate transaction have different effects from the excerpt from the Land Book normally issued?
See answer on question 5
8. Is the excerpt from the Land Book necessary and sufficient for the assignment of the property right of an immovable (regarding the information provided by the Land Registry)?
See answer on question 5