Responsible Agency

1. Which agency/government body/authority is responsible for land registration?

Land registration in Federation BiH is handled through Land Registries functioning within the Municipal Courts that are territorially linked with Cantonal Courts in all cantons in Federation BiH. The Land Registries are autonomous departments run by Heads of Land Registries.

2. If the responsibility for property registration is dealt with by an agency/authority, to which government department is it responsible to?

Head of the Land Registry is a civil servant who is appointed through a public vacancy announcement and selection procedure for an indefinite period.

3. How is the organization managed?

In the area of the Federation BiH Land Registries are formed per territorial units. There are 10 Land Registries which have exclusive territorial jurisdiction.

4. Describe the organisational framework:

There is no centralized database of land registries

5. How is the agency/government body/authority funded?

Land Registries are funded from the budget of a particular Canton in the territory of which they are located.

6. Are the staff of the agency/government, department/authority civil servants?

Employees of Land Registries are civil servants who are employed through public vacancy announcement and selection process initiated by the Civil Service Agency of the Federation BiH and, in general, for an  indefinite period of time.

7. Who is responsible for cadastral/mapping information? Is it the same organisation or a separate agency/department?

All registration services are provided only in the land registries.

8. What are the principal functions of the registering department/agency/authority?

Cadastral data is the responsibility of the competent real estate cadastre service operating within municipalities.

9. What are the key values/principles underpinning registration of title in your system?

Registration of property is strictly formal and handled pursuant to legally proscribed documents.

10. What registration system of property do you have in your country (title/deed)?









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