IMOLA IV, 2nd Training Seminar

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January 28, 2025 /

The second IMOLA IV Training Seminar was held online on January 15, 2025.

The seminar centered on Mortgage Formants and the New Version of Knowledge Manager, with the following main objectives:

  1. A brief presentation on the formants and their objectives
  2. An overview of the mortgage formants
  3. Demonstration of the new platform and instructions on how to use it

Mr. Mihai Taus, ELRA President, welcomed the 43 participants, members of IMOLA IV Project, who attended and actively contributed to the seminar.

Next, Mr. Jorge López, Coordinator and Mrs. Elena Prada (ELRA Treasurer), both part of the Work Package 2: Juridical and Semantic of the IMOLA IV Project, presented an overview of the Mortgage Formants.

In addition, Proffesor Elena Ioriatti from Trento University, continued the first part of the seminar by presenting the Formants observed from a comparative law perspective.

The seminar concluded with the intervention of Mr. Pedro Pernas (IMOLA IV Project Manager) and Anabel Fraga, Technical Director, who explained the technical aspects and use of the Knowledge Manager.



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