Land Registries & Cadastres
National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration
In your country, the Land Registry and the Cadaster are they different institutions?
a) Which are the main duties of the sole organization?
The main tasks are:
– identifying, describing and registering in the cadastral documents the buildings by their nature, their measurement and representation on maps and cadastral plans, as well as the storage of data on computer media;
– identification and registration of the owners, other legal owners of the buildings and the owners;
– providing the necessary data for the system of taxes and duties for the correct determination of taxpayers’ tax obligations, requested by the competent institutions;
– real estate advertising, which ensures the real property rights, personal rights, legal acts and facts, as well as any legal relations that are subject to publicity, regarding immovable property.
b) Which Ministry’s competence does it fall under?
The National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Advertising is organized as a public institution with legal personality, subordinated to the Government and coordinated by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration. At each county level, cadastral and real estate publicity offices operate with entities with legal personality subordinated to the National Agency
c) Is land registration and mapping organized as separate departments within the organization?
Romanian Land Registry Association
In your country, the Land Registry and the Cadaster are they different institutions?
a) Which are the main duties of the sole organization?
The National Agency for Cadaster and Land Registry was established on 2004 by merging cadaster from Ministry of Agriculture and land registry from Ministry of Justice. The main tasks are described in art. 4 of Law no. 7/1996, republished:
– coordinates and controls the execution of the cadastral works and ensures the registration of the buildings in the land register at the level of the whole country;
– controls the execution of cartography, surveying, geodesy, photogrammetry and remote sensing all over the country;
– elaborates regulations and norms, promotes specialized techniques, procedures and methodologies compatible with those of the European Union, according to the scientific and technical progress in the field of cadaster, geodesy, cartography and land registration;
– authorizes individuals and legal entities who can carry out specialized works in the fields of cadaster, geodesy and cartography on the territory of Romania, under the special law governing the establishment of their professional union;
– organize and administer the national geodesy and cartography fund as well as the database of the integrated cadaster and land registry system;
– ensures, according to the law, the execution, completion, modernization and maintenance in use of the national geodetic network;
– ensures the execution and updating of the official maps;
– endorses the topographical content of maps, plans, atlases, guides and other cartographic documents intended for public use;
– make available to the public authorities and other interested institutions, according to the law, summary statistical data on land and buildings;
– performs the tasks resulting from the international commitments in its field of activity;
– participate to the organization and coordination of measurements for the application of land laws;
– technically approves the expertise of the judiciary experts in the field of topography, geodesy and cadaster regarding the correctness of the topographical data used at the request of the courts. The aforementioned opinions will be given by the territorial office on the basis of a joint regulation, developed by the National Agency and the Ministry of Justice;
– ensures the registration of the real rights, which are constituted, transmitted, modified or terminated, at the request of the public notary or the freeholder or other interested persons;
– ensure the registration of appeals against land registry records;
– ensures the inclusion of other legal relationships, personal rights, prohibitions, incapacities and legal disputes in connection with the immovable property;
– ensures continuous professional training and staff training through the National Agency’s Professional Training Center, institution without legal personality, through the Romanian Notary Institute or through other authorized entities;
– develop, update and manage the national electronic register of street nomenclatures;
– develops and maintains the INSPIRE geoportal of Romania and ensures its compatibility with the INSPIRE geoportal of the European Union, fulfills other attributions assigned by Government Ordinance no. 4/2010 on the establishment of the National Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Romania, republished;
– also performs other tasks related to the specific activity.
b) Which Ministry’s competence does it fall under?
ANCPI is subordinated to the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration.
c) Is land registration and mapping organized as separate departments within the organization?
There are two different directorates/directions/departments. There is the Cadaster directorate and the Land registry directorate, both under the authority of General Director of ANCPI. The same trinity is replicated at county level.