Land Registries & Cadastres
In your country, the Land Registry and the Cadaster are they different institutions?
No, but some municipalities acts still as responsible cadastral authorities
a) Which are the main duties of the sole organization?
The National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) National Land Survey of Finland:
• Maintains information about cadastral register
• Co-operates with those municipalities which acts as responsible cadastral authorities
• Performs various kinds of cadastral surveys such as parcelling and reallocations of pieces of land, produces map data and promotes the joint use of such data
• Safeguards the land ownership and credit system by maintaining information about mortgages and registrations of title to property as well as other property information in its registers
• Other central tasks are spatial data research and application as well as data and information system development
b) Which Ministry’s competence does it fall under?
Ministry of Acriculture and Forestry
c) Is land registration and mapping organized as separate departments within the organization?
No. NLS is not organized in separate departments. NLS has different kind of processes for different kind of tasks. But constantly we are trying to find connections between different processes and find solutions to make processes simpler. We have noticed that this has made it possible to serve our customers better.