Modification or dissolution of the condominium
1. Is it possible to modify the statutes of an existing condominium? If so, does the modification have to be registered in the Land Registry? Are there circumstances in which the registrar can refuse registration of the modification? If the modification is not registered, does it become operative?
The statutes of a condominium can always be modified, but it cannot limit the rights of the single owners resulting from the respective purchase deeds, nor waive some special rules provided by the articles specified in Art. 1138 of the Civil Code.
As explained above, the registration of the statutes is not compulsory in order to make it opposable to third parties. Similarly, any amendment of it doesn’t have to be registered to become operative.
2. Does your law provide a mechanism for dissolving: (a) the community or association of owners (b) the condominium arrangement? How would this be registered?
The law does not provide the possibility of dissolving a condominium. The condominium can be dissolved only when the whole building becomes property of a single owner.
Our system doesn’t provide any kind of registration for this case.