1. What is the primary legislation governing registration of title in your system?
- Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania
- Law on the Real Property Register of the Republic of Lithuania
- Law on the Real Property Cadastre of the Republic of Lithuania
- Law on Mortgage Register of the Republic of Lithuania
- Law on Land of the Republic of Lithuania
- Law on the Notariate of the Republic of Lithuania
- Law on Construction of the Republic of Lithuania
- Law on Geodesy and Cartography of the Republic of Lithuania
2. Are there specific rules and forms for registration directly provided for in statute under secondary legislation?
Yes, Regulations of the Real Property Register, Regulations of the Real Property Cadastre, Regulations of the Mortgage Register approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
3. How often do changes arise in property/conveyancing legislation and registration legislation respectively?
Minor changes are made once in 2-3 years.