Stakeholders in property registration
1. Who are the main users of property information?
According to the Act on Land Information System and Related Information Service everyone has a free public access to the information. However, the main users are professional users as banks, property brokers (who mainly are certain kind of licensed conveyancers), and so on.
2. How is land registry information stored? Is it in electronic or paper format?
All the land information is in electronic form in the electronic Land Information System.
3. How is that information obtained?
NLS shall provide a free public access to the data to everyone. Through a technical (electronic) user interface the information may be supplied electronically to the professionals (a licence is to be needed). Most of the information (95 %) is supplied by electronic means.
4. Is the register open to the public?
Yes (see above)
5. If not, in what circumstances is access to title information granted?
Not applicable, see answer 4.
6. Is there a fee for the information?
As mentioned above everyone has the possibility to free public access. However, there is a fee for the information supplied through a technical user interface. There is also a fee for those cases where a written document (excerpt) in paper form is to be needed.
7. What information is provided on the register?
According to the Act comprises the Land Information System all the information both in the Cadaster and in the Land Register. In principle all this information may be provided.
8. If more information is available “off register” in what circumstances can it be accessed?
Due to other legislation there is a possibility to a certain extent to restrict the information to be supplied, for example the address of the owner who has been put under special protection (police officers and plaintiffs in large criminal cases etc.) The information is available from the Population Register but only in strictly controlled circumstances for some authorities (police, courts and so on).
9. Is any information provided free of charge?
Yes, in principal all the information is free, but the fee is carried for supplying the information to the customer. If the customer visits the NLS office he or she can get the information free of charge.
10. Is it available online?
Yes (for professionals, see above)
11. How is payment made?
By invoicing. NLS will send an invoice. In the new Electronic Conveyancing System the payment is to be made via system.
12. How long does it take to receive property information?
Answer: In NLS office or online the information is available at once. For paper excerpts it is available immediately when the customer has received the excerpt sent by post.
13. If a paper/certified copy of title information is required, how long does it take to issue?
From NLS office one can get the certified copy (excerpt) at once. If it has to be sent by post, see above.
14. Is the information linked to a map?
Yes. The customer has the access to map information too.
15. How is the map accessed-at the same time as the request for title information?
In the Land Information System the location of the real estate unit (parcel) can be seen on the map. If you wish you can get the map excerpt at the same time as other information.
16. What other services are provided by your organisation
Employees in NLS have participated in many projects abroad (in Russia, in Far East and also in Europe). Some of them are financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To some extent NLS provide also external train about issues we are dealing with. However, NLS doesn´t compete with the private sector companies.
17. What other uses are being made, if any, of information held on the register?
Due to the fact that NLS receives the information about all the conveyancies dealing with the land property NLS have created a purchase price register which also is open to the public as well.